Europex response to ACER public consultation on prioritising the removal of barriers to electricity demand response
Please see our response to selected questions attached.
Please see our response to selected questions attached.
Please see our response to selected questions attached.
Europex and the All NEMO Committee welcome the opportunity to provide feedback to the EU DSO & ENTSO-E public consultation on the new Network Code
At a regular meeting on Friday, 20 October, in Brussels the Europex General Assembly elected a new Board, including a new Chairperson, as well as
As the EU energy ministers meet in Luxembourg today to discuss and pre-finalise the Council’s general approach on the Electricity Market Design (EMD) review, we
Please see our response to selected questions attached.
Please see our response to selected questions attached.
We urge the co-legislators to take the necessary time to fully understand the complexity of this file and seek the viewpoints of stakeholder who have worked closely with ACER to tailor REMIT into the tool it is today.
We urge lawmakers to carefully assess these proposals to ensure that the EMD package is beneficial to the functioning of short-term markets, the liquidity of long-term markets and the deployment of flexibility assets.
we call on Member States to end inframarginal revenue caps by 30 June as set out in the 6 October Regulation. We also call on the EU co- legislators to ensure revenue caps remain outside of the scope of the current reform of the Electricity Market Design.
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1000 Brussels