Draft Delegated Act on MiFID II Ancillary Activity Exemption
Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commission’s public consultation on the draft delegated act for amending the ancillary activity exemption (AAE) in
Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commission’s public consultation on the draft delegated act for amending the ancillary activity exemption (AAE) in
Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to this draft delegated regulation. While the current proposal for the Union Renewable Development Platform (URDP) is designed
We see benefit in adding the emission allowances to the definition of financial instruments in the FCD, making it also more closely aligned to the financial instruments definition in Annex 2 of Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II).
Europex welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the present consultation. In our response, we highlight that the regime on VAT rules for financial services subject
Europex supports the Commission’s overall objective to ensure a fair taxation of the digital economy in Europe in line with the wider policy objectives set
Europex welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the present consultation and expresses its general support for the Commission’s good intention to facilitate the access and
Europex supports the Commission’s overall objective to ensure a fair taxation of the digital economy in line with the wider G20 and OECD discussions and
In a competitive and liberalised energy market, different market timeframes serve different needs. Market participants use short-term markets to buy or sell power and gas
Brussels, 10 September 2020 | Europex launches today its new report: ‘The Impact of Financial Services Regulation on European Wholesale Energy Markets – A Post-MiFID II
Brussels, 12 June 2020 | Europex fully supports the objectives of MiFID II / MiFIR and the G-20 Pittsburgh commitments to “improve the functioning and
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