BRM, the Romanian Commodities Exchange, joins Europex
The Romanian Commodities Exchange (Bursa Română de Mărfuri – BRM) has joined Europex as a Full Member as of today. With the inclusion of BRM, Europex now counts 32 members.
The Romanian Commodities Exchange (Bursa Română de Mărfuri – BRM) has joined Europex as a Full Member as of today. With the inclusion of BRM, Europex now counts 32 members.
The tasks performed by delegated operators include, among others, imbalance
calculation and settlement, data publication related to electricity balancing markets and
issuing of the rules related to balancing markets and imbalance settlement.
Call for ex-ante assessment of security of supply and financial stability risks We, the undersigned associations, fully acknowledge the seriousness of the situation in the
We are convinced that the proposal for a market correction mechanism will not achieve its primary objective of lowering energy prices but will seriously threaten the EU’s security of supply situation and introduce severe risks to financial stability in Europe.
Europex is concerned about the practical implications of the Market Correction Mechanism as set out in Article 23 of the draft Council Regulation and would like to highlight that any such mechanism must meet the conditions outlined in Article 23 (2) (b)-(j).
The Electricity Market Operator of Montenegro (Crnogorski operator tržista električne energije – COTEE) has joined Europex as a full member as of today. With the inclusion of COTEE, Europex now counts 31 members.
We would like to take this opportunity to offer additional guidance to ensure that these emergency measures are not adopted without due consideration of their short- and mid-term effects.
Following the urgency legislation in the gas sector, notably regarding gas storage and gas demand reduction in the spring and early summer, the European Commission
Demand response, and more generally system flexibility, play a key role in achieving the EU’s decarbonisation targets and securing future system stability as volatile electricity production from renewables will need to increase substantially in the years to come.
We remain critical of how this draft policy paper addresses and assesses the overall functioning of the electricity forward market and the proposals put forth to approach the identified shortcomings.
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