- Consultation Responses
- Position Papers
- Press Releases
- Reports
Europex comments on draft Network Code for cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows
To avoid a patchwork of cybersecurity rules for essential services and critical infrastructures, regulators must ensure that the criteria of proportionality, harmonisation and efficiency are always at the core of the development of current and future cybersecurity legislation.
Europex excludes the Saint Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX) from its membership
In response to the Russian government’s actions against Ukraine, the General Assembly of Europex has decided to exclude the Saint Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX) from Europex, effectively terminating their associate membership as of today.
Joint Association Letter on the Importance of Protecting the EU ETS from Damaging Interventions
We would like to express our concern that the European Commission may be considering intervention in the ETS, either through position limits or some other action, ahead of the publication of ESMA’s final report on the EU Carbon Market.
IOSCO Consultation: Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets
Europex is fully aligned with the core objectives of the Principles to ensure that commodity derivatives markets can serve their fundamental role of facilitating fair and efficient price discovery and hedging in a transparent, secure and well-regulated trading environment, while remaining free from market manipulation and other abusive practices.
The ‘Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market’ Package: a solid foundation for the development of competitive and liquid markets in renewable and low-carbon gases
The new measures help to ensure that the gas regulatory framework is fit for purpose for the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, whilst retaining the core benefits of the Internal Energy Market.
ENTSO-E Consultation on the Network Code for Cybersecurity Aspects of Cross-Border Electricity Flows
We welcome this opportunity to provide input to the ENTSO-E and EU DSO proposal for a Network Code on Cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows.
COP 26: Adopting clear implementation rules of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement must be made a priority to ensure decarbonisation at least cost
The two main goals of the Paris Agreement to reach global net zero emissions by mid-century and to keep to close or below 1.5 degrees
Energy Trading Platform Amsterdam (ETPA) Becomes Europex’ 30th Member
ETPA, Energy Trading Platform Amsterdam, has joined Europex as a Full Member as of today. With the inclusion of ETPA, Europex now counts 30 members across Europe.
Europex General Assembly elects Chairman, Board members and Heads of Working Groups for upcoming 2022-2023 mandate
The General Assembly of Europex elected the Chairperson, Board and the Heads of the four Working Groups: Power Markets, Gas Markets, Environmental Markets and Financial Markets. Those elected will serve a two-year mandate from 2022-2023.
Europex welcomes Commission toolbox to coordinate Member State actions to support vulnerable consumers while safeguarding the benefits of the Internal Energy Market
Europex welcomes this coordinated approach and urges Member States to implement consumer protective measures which do not negatively impact the well-functioning and proven welfare benefits of the IEM.
Energy price surge: EU Member States must preserve the benefits of the Internal Energy Market while safeguarding consumers
In reaction to increased energy prices, some EU Member States have put in place or are considering temporary national measures and suggest various fundamental reforms to the design of European wholesale energy markets. Europex is concerned that some measures may damage the competitiveness and efficiency of the Internal Energy Market.
Joint Statement by the market Participants of the European Market Stakeholder Committee on the increase of gas and electricity prices in Europe
The European Stakeholder Committees (ESCs) have been established to inform and consult stakeholders on the implementation of the European network codes and guidelines. The MESC participants are the key stakeholders involved in the implementation of European market network codes and guidelines.
Supporting an EU ETS that is “Fit for 55”
As Europe’s primary policy tool to combat climate change, the review of the EU ETS plays a fundamental role in delivering the EU’s ambitious 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets and broader Green Deal objectives. Such a review must ensure continued commitment to strong market principles that safeguard the undistorted price signals, efficiency, transparency and liquidity of the emissions market.
ESMA Consultation Paper on the review of RTS 1 /RTS 2
We believe it is crucial that the illiquid market and Large-In-Scale (LIS) transactions waiver methodologies will consider the unique characteristics of commodity trading, one of them being the important role of pre-arranged trading for the development of on-screen trading.
ACER public consultation on harmonised allocation rules for long term transmission rights in accordance with the FCA Regulation
We support ACER’s approach to delete Article 59(5) of the proposal, which proposes a cap on remuneration of LTTRs in case of fallback allocation. We do not see adequate justification to extend the HAR Article 59 compensation caps to LTTR remuneration during decoupling events.
All TSOs’ Proposal for Amendment of Pricing Methodology
Europex fully supports the EU target design for balancing energy markets, including the implementation of cross-border marginal pricing. However, during the transition to the European balancing platforms, we acknowledge the potential risks of ‘exaggeratedly high’ balancing prices, as described by the TSOs.
ACER public consultation on the high-level approach for the identification of alternative bidding zone configurations to be considered for the bidding zone review
Bidding zones are a fundamental part of the electricity market design in Europe. Adequate attention must be paid to the development of alternative bidding zone configurations as well as their assessment.
Feedback on the draft Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG)
To ensure that the policy objectives set out in the Green Deal get delivered at least cost and that the EU’s internal market principles are upheld, State Aid rules need to find the right balance between supporting decarbonisation projects and minimising distortion of competition and trade in the Internal Energy Market.
ESMA Consultation on Technical Standards for Commodity Derivatives – MiFID II Recovery Package
We welcome the opportunity to provide feedback to ESMA’s draft proposals for the review of RTS 21 and ITS 4 as well as the proposal for new technical standards for position management controls. Europex’ members have gained extensive experience with the implementation of the MiFID II position limit regime and position management provisions.
‘Fit for 55’ package: a coherent, competitive and innovation-friendly market framework must drive 2030 decarbonisation efforts
The ‘Fit for 55’ Package underlines the common understanding that competitive energy and emissions markets must drive decarbonisation efforts at least cost to the energy system and consumers while ensuring a high level of competition and innovation.
Fit for 70% RES? The role of the electricity market in a high-renewables energy system in 2030
We believe that a 2030 energy system that can meet these challenges must be characterised by undistorted and freely forming price signals from the energy market, efficient use of within-zone and cross-zonal transmission to balance supply and demand locally and regionally as well as increased use of storage and flexibility on the demand side.
ACER Consultation on the Draft Framework Guideline on sector- specific rules for cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows
Together with the All NEMO Committee, we welcome this opportunity to provide input on ACER’s draft Framework Guideline on electricity sector-specific rules for cybersecurity and
Draft Delegated Act on MiFID II Ancillary Activity Exemption
Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commission’s public consultation on the draft delegated act for amending the ancillary activity exemption (AAE) in
Consultation on the Hydrogen and Gas Markets Decarbonisation Package
Europex fully supports this review of the legislative framework to design competitive decarbonised gas markets and ensure that gas markets contribute to the decarbonisation of
Call for Harmonised Implementation of the Clean Energy Package: Independent Aggregation Rules to Unlock Full Potential of Demand-side Flexibility
Independent Aggregators (IAs) have the potential to provide an additional means of accessing the market for small producers and end consumers, including prosumers, small-scale RES