
Europex assessment of the EMD review proposal

We urge lawmakers to carefully assess these proposals to ensure that the EMD package is beneficial to the functioning of short-term markets, the liquidity of long-term markets and the deployment of flexibility assets.

Letter on the proposed market correction mechanism

We are convinced that the proposal for a market correction mechanism will not achieve its primary objective of lowering energy prices but will seriously threaten the EU’s security of supply situation and introduce severe risks to financial stability in Europe.

Europex cautions against Market Correction Mechanism

Europex is concerned about the practical implications of the Market Correction Mechanism as set out in Article 23 of the draft Council Regulation and would like to highlight that any such mechanism must meet the conditions outlined in Article 23 (2) (b)-(j).

Europex FAQ on circuit breakers

Europex’s strong conviction is that risk transfer mechanisms are most needed during periods of heightened uncertainty and volatility, as it is at such times that risks in the underlying commodity and financial markets are most acute.