Europex’ new year starts with one new member and a new Board

Brussels, 4 January 2016 | Europex starts the new year with a new member: Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. (EPİAŞ), a Turkish energy exchange based in Istanbul. EPİAŞ opened its day-ahead and intra-day power markets in September last year which marked an important step in the ongoing development of the Turkish electricity market. Massimo Ricci, Chairman of Europex, on the admission of the 25th member of the Association: “We are delighted to welcome EPİAŞ in Europex. Turkey is an important energy market in the direct neighbourhood of the EU’s internal energy market and the integration of a Turkish power exchange in the Association will be mutually beneficial.” In accordance with the internal rules and procedures of Europex, the EPİAŞ membership still needs to be confirmed at the next General Assembly meeting in May.

Following the recent integration of the businesses of EPEX SPOT SE and APX B.V., the General Assembly agreed on transferring the Europex membership of APX B.V. to EPEX SPOT SE. Until now, EPEX SPOT had only been an indirect member of Europex. While the transfer already took effect as of 1 January, it still needs to be formally confirmed at the next General Assembly meeting.

With the start of 2016, the new Europex Board and the four Chairmen of the Europex Working Groups are officially taking up office following their election by the General Assembly in October last year.

The old and new Chairman is Massimo Ricci (Chairman & CEO of GME). The other five Board members are Egbert Laege (CEO of Powernext), Ireneusz Łazor (President of the Management Board of TGE), Mikael Lundin (CEO of Nord Pool Spot), Pedro J. Mejía Gómez (Chairman & CEO of OMIE & OMIP) and Pieter Schuurs (President & COO at ICE Endex).

The four Heads of the Working Groups are Frederick Bernthaler (Head of Legal at CEGH) for the Working Group Gas Markets, Rickard Nilsson (Senior Adviser Innovation and Market Design at Nord Pool Spot) for the Working Group Power Markets, Borut Rajer (Director of Operations at Borzen) for the Working Group Environmental Markets and Daniel Wragge (Head of Political & Regulatory Affairs at EEX) for the Working Group Financial Markets, Integrity and Transparency.
