Brussels, 16 June 2017 | The European Union and its Member States successfully unbundled and liberalised their energy markets. Power and gas retail, gas wholesale and power generation have been opened to competition between utilities and for new competitors. Open and non-discriminatory access to grids has proven to be a cornerstone of the successful liberalisation.
Wholesale markets make unbundling possible and allow new competitors to enter the market. Retailers, gas wholesalers and power producers can buy or sell power and gas, market their assets and secure themselves against risks. Consumers can now choose between competing suppliers and profit from better offers, facilitated by a regulation that guarantees a transparent and simple process for switching suppliers.
Exchanges orchestrate the liberalised common energy market: they contribute significantly to the interconnected, efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory market across the continent, which has led to significant welfare gains. Transparent prices are the glue that holds a diverse energy sector together beyond borders and individual companies.
In the 33-page study, Europex provides its vision of the future of the energy markets in Europe and highlights key requirements on how to maintain and further strengthen the orchestrating role of well-functioning, efficient energy spot and derivative markets on the pathway to a clean energy system.
Please see the full Europex Market Vision Paper below.
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