Europex response to the proposed revisions of the ACER Regulation: a need for clarity and consistency

Brussels, 19 October 2017 | The proposal for the recast ACER Regulation and the revised Council text positively recognise the important contribution energy exchanges make towards a more integrated electricity market. However, Europex underlines the need for more precision on new ACER powers to oversee Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), who perform market coupling operations. The recast Regulation should also ensure consistency with the recast Electricity Regulation and the Network Codes and Guidelines already in place.

With this in mind, and as the text is further discussed in the European Parliament and the Council, Europex highlights three key points:

  1. Clearer regulatory oversight of Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs)
  2. Maintain representative voting rules in the Board of Regulators (2/3 majority)
  3. Consistency when revising and approving the Network Codes and Guidelines

Please find further details and  the full amendments table below.
