EXAA - Energy Exchange Austria

EXAA (Abwicklungsstelle für Energieprodukte AG) is Austria’s power and environmental exchange based in Vienna and active in the Austrian APG control areas as well as in all four German control areas (Amprion, TenneT, TransnetBW, 50 Hertz) and the Dutch area. Founded on 8 June 2001, EXAA started operating spot market trading in electricity on 21 March 2002. Ever since, EXAA has been instrumental in developing efficient trading in the liberalised energy markets of Central Europe. In 2012, EXAA was the first European exchange to introduce trading in green electricity under the name “EXAA Green Power”.

Since the Go-live with the Multi Nemo Arrangement (MNA) in Central West Europe, EXAA has been offering access to the 12:00 market coupling auction, in addition to its well established auction at 10:15 am.

Since 2021, EXAA has been in close cooperation with CCP. A (Central Counterparty Austria), which has since taken over the clearing of financial transactions as well as EXAA’s collateral and risk management.

EXAA in a nutshell:

– First energy exchange in Europe to launch green power trading.

– Daily spot auctions

– Unique Spread Products.

– Proof that EXAA’s GreenPower exclusively originates from renewable energy sources, verified by the well-established European Guarantee of Origin (GO) standard – EECS.

– Pool of regularly published and updated supplier facilities.

teem (training for energy and environmental markets)

EXAA offers teem as a compact training course for electricity and gas markets. Experienced energy experts cover main energy topics ranging from energy markets, energy law and energy technology. The courses are aimed at energy newcomers as well as experienced employees who seek to broaden and update their knowledge. Teem is a market leader in energy market training, provides up-to-date and concise content and offers excellent value for money. Delegates especially appreciate the modular design, allowing all modules to be booked individually.

Shareholders of EXAA

APCS Power Clearing and Settlement AG34,55%
Wiener Börse AG (WBAG)25,12%
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB)8,06%
Smart technologies Management Beratungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH8,06%
Verbund Energy4Business GmbH3,04%
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts AG3,04%
Energie Steiermark Business GmbH3,04%
TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG3,04%
Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG3,04%
Energie Graz GmbH 2,98%
OMV Gas & Power GmbH2,98%

The Management Board of the company acts independently and is not subject to instructions.


The Austrian Ministry of Finance, in agreement with the Austrian Ministry for Economic Affairs, has granted Wiener Börse AG, by notification of 3 April 1998, the license to operate and manage the Vienna Stock Exchange as a securities and general commodity exchange in accordance with §§ 2 et seq of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act, FLG. No. 555, as amended. This empowers Wiener Börse AG as an exchange operating company in the meaning of the Stock Exchange Act to operate and manage the Vienna Stock Exchange as a securities exchange and general commodity exchange. Trading in electric power products takes place on the Vienna Stock Exchange in its function as a general commodity exchange. The exchange operating company has commissioned EXAA Abwicklungsstelle für Energieprodukte AG with the task of operating and making available the automated trading system for trading in electric power products and the resultant exchange transactions, and has also been granted a license to act as the nominated electricity market operator (NEMO) for the purpose of single day-ahead market coupling by Energie-Control Austria für die Regulierung in der Elektrizitäts- und Erdgaswirtschaft (E-Control).



Market expansion into the power market of the Netherlands.


Successful introduction of the cross-auction spread, which offers trading participants arbitrage opportunities between the independent 10:15 and the 12:00 market coupling auctions.


Start of the cooperation with Central Counterparty Austria (CCP.A) for a more efficient clearing & risk management.


Introduction of the API interface for trading partners.


Successful market launch of physical location spread products for virtual coupling of the Austrian and German market areas and EXAAs entry in the European 12:00 market coupling auction.


Price zone splitting between AT and DE resulting in two separate but simultaneous auctions at EXAA.


Designation as a nominated electricity market operator (NEMO).


Launch of quarter hourly products on day ahead markets.


Introduction of a Green Power trading segment.


Start of the “training for energy and environmental markets” programme “teem”.


Introduction of post-trading.


First block products.

Facts & Figures


Palais Liechtenstein
Alserbachstraße 14-16
1090 Vienna

Date of foundation

8 June 2001

Members of Executive Board

Andrea Benckendorff

Rudolf Schneider

Number of employees (2021)

15 members of staff



Traded commodities and traded volumes in 2021 (monthly)


2,862,970 MWh in June 2024

Europex GA member

Andrea Benckendorff


Europex contact person

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More Information

General contact details


Abwicklungsstelle für Energieprodukte AG
Palais Liechtenstein
Alserbachstraße 14-16
1090 Vienna