Brussels, 24 April 2020 | The bidding zone review and resulting decision on the configuration has fundamental consequences for the electricity market in all timeframes. Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide input into ACER’s public consultation on the methodology and assumptions to be used in the bidding zone review process. It is important to ensure that there is robust and transparent analysis supporting both the development of the alternative configurations and their evaluation against the CACM criteria.
The assessment of the configuration impact on market efficiency, competition, liquidity and overall welfare must consider both short-term and forward markets, and use a range of appropriate measurement criteria, as well as recognise the interplay between these markets. Furthermore, a common pan-European approach to core aspects of the methodology is also essential, given the nature of the coupled European electricity market in the day-ahead (SDAC) and intraday (SIDC) timeframes, and the increasingly integrated balancing market.
We appreciate efforts from ACER to include stakeholders in this process and are ready to contribute further during the next steps of the bidding zone review.
Please see the full consultation response attached.