Power Markets
The Working Group Power Markets, established in 2003, is the longest standing WG within Europex. Since its creation, WG PM has focused on making an active contribution to the development of an integrated European electricity market, including regulation linked to cross-border trading and congestion management. Its aim is the further development of an efficient, accessible, liquid, safe and transparent Internal Energy Market in Europe, in which exchanges play a vital role.
The working scope of WG PM covers organised wholesale electricity trading and related regulatory issues in forward, day ahead, intraday, balancing and ancillary services markets, as well as the development of efficient demand-side flexibility markets. Through their activities, members work to ensure that robust market design principles are upheld and that the benefits of coupled, organised power markets are recognised. Forward-looking market design topics are also addressed. With a focus on the energy sector contribution to decarbonisation efforts, the group also works on strategic topics such as market functioning in a high renewables system, energy system integration and renewable electricity certificates (e.g., GOs).
WG PM therefore acts on both the technical and strategic level, the group primarily works through contributing to consultations, publishing position papers and participating in stakeholder groups and other fora. Members are able to raise and respond to concerns linked to initiatives to establish new or amend EU legislation in the field of electricity, including Networks Codes and Guidelines and related methodologies. The WG also interacts closely with relevant EU level institutions and other stakeholders.
Head of Working Group
Arnold has been Head of the Vienna Office of EPEX SPOT, the European Power Exchange headquartered in Paris. He actively contributed to the establishment of EPEX SPOT as a preferred marketplace for short-term power trading.
As part of the public and regulatory affairs and communication team, He represents EPEX SPOT in Austria and Poland. He fulfills a pivotal position in the so-called Core region – consisting of Central West Europe and Central East Europe.
Arnold fosters close contacts with the Western Balkans and handles several dossiers at EU level. He monitors and evaluates energy market regulation, steers regulatory and operational implementation projects, and reports on characteristics regarding EPEX SPOT’s strategy, development and business design.
Before joining EPEX SPOT, Arnold worked in the energy sector for ten years as a Legal Counsel, Compliance Manager and Head of staff units.
He holds a Master of Science (MS) in Business Research and Management, a Master’s degree in Economics and a Master’s degree in Law.
Head of WG PM
Arnold Weiß
Head of Austria Office at EPEX SPOT

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